Some Things to Remember about Water…
- Next to oxygen, water is the most important nutrient in the human body.
A human being can only live about 5 days without water intake.
- An infant baby’s body is 77% water, a young child’s body is 59% water, and an adult body varies between 45% – 65% water. Aging, wrinkling, and cellular health are all functions of the presence of water in the human organism. If you have a sickness or disease of any kind, you are invariably dehydrated.
Look at the amount of water in body tissues:
- Blood – 83% water
- Kidneys – 82% water
- Muscles – 75% water
- Brain – 74% water
- Liver – 69 % water
- Bones – 22% water
Water is the carrier of all nutrients into the body’s cells and of waste products out of the cells and the body via the excretory organs and systems. Our food must be properly masticated and moistened in solution so that it can be assimilated into the bloodstream. In fact, digestion, assimilation, metabolism, and temperature regulation of the body are functions that all depend on the availability of water.
Excretory Functions
Respiration - the average-sized human vaporizes up to 33 oz. (1 quart) daily through breathing (anywhere from 400 ml to 1 liter or from 14 oz. to 33 oz.).
Perspiration – each of us has approximately 2-3 million sweat glands that evaporate varying amounts of water from the body to keep it cool and to excrete waste products through the skin, our largest organ. We perspire out about 500 ml or .5 liters daily (16.9 oz. or .53 quarts a day).
Urination - our kidneys filter the blood constantly, approximately 15 times an hour to purify the blood and tissues and to maintain proper acid and alkalinity of the body. We urinate out about 1.5 liters daily (1.58 quarts or 51 oz.).
Bowel Elimination - proper stool formation and timely elimination are a result of appropriate water availability and fibers in diet. Stools are about 70% water (100 ml or more per stool or 3 – 5 oz. water).
Tear Ducts - these channels direct watery substances to our eyes some 25 times per minute to lubricate and wash our eyes so that they can properly function.
You can determine how much water you need to drink daily by dividing your body weight by 2. The resulting figure is the number of ounces of water needed in a day to maintain basic body functions. More or less water may be needed to accommodate climatic conditions, stress, and other body conditions.
Body weight divided by 2 = # of ounces of water to drink daily
Have you had enough plain and pure alkalizing water today?