The human body has a tremendous capacity to heal itself. The principle known as the healing power of nature is the foundation of naturopathic philosophy. Rocco Bruno’s goal as a Natural Health Consultant is to help you restore balance to your body, mind and spirit primarily with nutritional guidance and lifestyle modifications.
During your first visit with Rocco a thorough history is taken, including questions about lifestyle, stress, diet, mental and spiritual state. Once all aspects of your life are examined, Rocco will help you develop a plan to empower you to transform your life and create the terrain for vital living.
A principle objective of naturopathy is to educate individuals while emphasizing self-responsibility for health. Rocco will help you learn new health habits and help you understand the interrelatedness of thoughts, emotions and physical health.
You’ll learn how to:
- Eat according to your constitution
- Avoid the number one cause of internal imbalance
- Determine the right type of water to drink
- Balance a meal and reduce cravings
- Implement the number one technique for stress management
- Shop at natural health food stores and watch out for unhealthy ingredients on labels
- Experience and live in joy, love and service
About Rocco Bruno
Rocco Bruno, founder of Regenesis Integrative Health Centers, offers over 30 years of experience in helping people address the whole body with whole food nutrition, lifestyle and spiritual guidance. Rocco is a knowledgeable and inspirational teacher, and over the years has been a featured speaker at many schools, organizations, churches, and civic groups on spiritual, motivational and health-related topics. He is a certified Natural Health Professional and is also certified through I-ACT, the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy, at the Instructor Level having worked in the colon hydrotherapy field since 1983.
We invite you to explore our natural approach to health! Call (512) 326-3737 for more information or to schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with Rocco.